An approach different from traditional public school, our model of multi-age, project-based learning has students collaborating with peers of different ages, allowing them to both learn from, and teach, each other. This type of dynamic, hands-on learning often takes place beyond the classroom: outdoors, on the school’s ”Main Street” (the main corridor of the building, which serves as the school’s primary gathering space), and by engaging with the island community.

By extending our educational impact to include the wider community, we work to shape the island’s next generation—from business and civic leaders to farmers, fishermen, and artists to healthcare workers, environmental specialists, and educators.

Additionally, community engagement through activities and events, such as environmental stewardship, arts and culture, community service, and civic engagement, has many benefits for both the student and wider communities. For the student, it builds skills, supports social-emotional learning, and helps create a healthy understanding of what it truly means to depend on one another. We believe that these types of learning and developmental outcomes are necessary for students to thrive and become part of a strong and resilient society, with the potential for long-term benefits to the island community.

Much of the MVPCS students’ hands-on learning is rooted in both the school community and the island community—fostering community is central to our mission.